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VR-Enhanced LIS2004 course: Home

A guide that houses best practices and suggested content for teaching an LIS2004 VR-Enhanced course.

VR LIS 2004

Course Description

LIS 2004, Strategies for Online Research, focuses on critical thinking skills for online research. Students will learn how to access, evaluate, and use information efficiently and ethically. This VR enhanced course requires students to think three-dimensionally when selecting a topic to research as presentations will be held in a virtual world with personalized avatars. VR headsets are provided by the school. In addition to their presentation, students will create a virtual environment to compliment their topic using various applications.



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Edwin Gilmore -MDC
Miami Dade College
North Campus
11380 NW 24th AVE
Room 2127-04
Miami, FL 33167
(305) 237-8085