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Miami Dade College
AFC @ MDC North
AFC Retirees
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AFC @ MDC North: AFC Retirees
Membership Development
Social Activities Pictures
AFC Retirees
Region V
MDC Chapter of the Association of Florida Colleges
RETIREES Invitation to Join AFC
Image Source: Iowa Department of Administrative Services
For more information about the benefits of life retiree membership,
Why Join AFC?
AFC College Chapters
College Chapters list
Each chapter has a dedicated website for easy access to information pertaining to the chapter for the college selected.
AFC Paper form Application
Paper form application
You can use the paper form or the link to join us or you can contact one of your AFC - College Chapter officers to help you with your application
Weebly Archived Files
Archived files
Brochure, flyers showcase, Florida house of representative's link, membership development list, meetings, goals, development tasks, analysis of status quo, elections, and more...
Social Activities Pictures
Region V >>