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Grammar and Writing Help

Writing Websites

Clear, detailed, and step-by-step writing advice and citation guides.  Includes MLA & APA examples, Sample Research Paper guides, Grammar, Punctuation, and much more.  Highly Recommended.


G R A M M A R    1 0 1

Grammar 101 (from Daily Writing Tips)  covers the basics: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases, Nouns, Adverbs, Articles; etc - in (as should be in a site like this) clear, precise prose.


T H E   W R I T E R ' S   H A N D B O O K: Clear, Concise Sentences
This precise, helpful site lives up to its name and includes Improving Your Writing Style, Stages of the Writing Process, Common Writing Assignments, Grammar and Punctuation, and Cite References in Your Paper. Also: "Compose a Draft Thesis Statement," "Reading Poetry to Write About It," and "Clear, Precise Sentences.   Highly Recommended.


G U I D E   T O   G R A M M A R   &   W R I T I N G
Detailed Dropdowns: Word & Sentence Level, Paragraph Level, Essay & Research Paper Level, and more.


E L E M E N T S    O F    S T Y L E
Strunk and White's 1918 invaluable, common-sense classic. 
See also H. W. Fowler's 1908 King's English.


G R A M M A R   G I R L:  Quick & Dirty Tips

Tips and grammar exercises to help you learn and remember all the grammar rules on punctuation, word choice, and more.


G R A M M A R   B Y T E S
Fun, clear, and helpful. Includes Grammar Terms, Exersies, Handouts, Power Points, YouTube Videos, and Tips & Rules.



T H E   W O R D   D E T E C T I V E
A lively discussion of words, their use, and derivations. Great fun.