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LIS2004 Research Strategies for College Students | Prof. Richardson

LIS2004: Research Strategies for College Students


Before you begin working through the modules in this course, please read the following:

  • Syllabus
  • Course Calendar (Schedule of Activities)
  • Instructor Information

After that, please post a brief, introductory statement about yourself in the Student Introduction discussion board in order to document your attendance the first day of the course.

This course consists of six modules. You will complete each module in order because they build on each other. By the time you have finished this course, you will have gone through the research process from start to finish. The good news is that you do not have to write a paper for this course. You will choose a topic, select keywords, locate sources using Google and library databases, evaluate sources, and document those sources in an annotated bibliography.

Topic Selection & Keywords, information Ethics, Information Cycle, Evaluating Information Sources, Searching Library Databases, Documentation

Module 1: The Information Cycle

Here we'll discuss the information cycle which explains what kinds of sources you can expect to find on an event or topic based on when the event or topic took place.

Module 2: Evaluating Information Sources

When you use Google or another search engine to find sources online you have to evaluate them closely. In this module, we will find sources with Google and evaluate them to determine whether they are credible and appropriate for a college assignment.

Module 3: Documentation: The Value of Information

This one is all about citations...the why and how of APA and MLA.

Module 4: Information Ethics

This module is all about plagiarism and copyright violations and how to avoid them.

Module 5: Searching Library Databases

We used Google last time, so this time around you will use the library databases.

Module 6:Topic Selection and Keywords

You will choose a topic to use throughout the assignments for this course. From your topic, you will develop a thesis statement or research question from that topic and use that to develop your keywords and search strategies.

Research Skills for College Students by Florida College System, Council on Instructional Affairs, Learning Resources Standing Committee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Last revised January 2018 by the LIS 2004 Course Revision Committee.