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LIS2004 Research Strategies for College Students | Prof. Richardson


Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe why and how to use and build upon the scholarship of others while giving appropriate credit to the creators
  • Recognize plagiarism and the consequences of plagiarizing

Information Literacy Competencies

You will apply and learn about information literacy competencies while completing this learning module.

  • The primary competency related to this module is Information Has Value
  • The primary knowledge practice is to give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation
What is Plagiarism?

“Plagiarism is the use of another’s work, words, or ideas without attribution. The word “plagiarism” comes from the Latin word for “kidnapper” and is considered a form of theft, a breach of honesty in the academic community.”

Read more about plagiarism from Yale University's Center for Teaching and Learning: What is Plagiarism?


You Quote It, You Note IT!


You Quote It, You Note It! Plagiarism Tutorial

(“Anyone is permitted to access, display, print, or use this tutorial from the following URL: for non-commercial research and educational purposes. Commercial use, however, is not permitted.”)

Miami Dade College Procedures

Procedure 4009 - Student Rights and Responsibilities

Procedure 4035 - Addressing Academic Dishonesty

What Counts as Plagiarism?
  • Turning in a paper or assignment you did not write
  • Using your own paper for more than one assignment
  • Downloading or buying a paper online or paying someone to write your paper
  • Using a quote without acknowledging the source
  • Paraphrasing someone else’s words without giving the author credit by using a citation
  • Making up citations
  • Copying images, audio, video, graphs, etc. without giving credit to the original source


A note on self plagiarism:

Self-plagiarism happens when you submit your own paper in more than one course without permission of the instructors.

How is this plagiarism? An important part of academic honesty is that your writing should accurately reflect what you learned in a specific class. The point of college is to acquire knowledge, and your education is an investment in you. Don't cheat yourself.

From SJSU Plagiarism LibGuide

How to Avoid Plagiarism
  • Cite any information you get from another source including text from any published or unpublished sources of information. This includes song lyrics, artwork, and graphics.
  • Cite all direct quotes.
  • Cite when you paraphrase (restate something you read in your own words).
  • Cite summaries (providing an overview of the main idea using your own words).
  • Adhere to a citation style.
    • APA: used by many disciplines including the “hard” and social sciences, nursing, medicine
    • MLA: used for English and literature


If you need one-one-one assistance, you can:

  • Visit your professor. Your professors are available to meet with you outside of class (or online) during their office hours. Stop by or schedule a meeting to ask questions and get clarification.

  • Visit your campus Learning Resources (Library or Writing Center) for assistance. Librarians and writing tutors are citation experts!

  • Visit your Study Skills tutor. These specialists can show you the best way to take notes on your sources and organize them to make it easier to incorporate into your paper.


In this module, you have learned how to:

  1. Describe why and how to use and build upon the scholarship of others while giving appropriate credit to the creators
  2. Recognize plagiarism and the consequences of plagiarizing