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Martyrs of February 24th Scholarship 2025: Home

Guide in support of the annual scholarship

About the Scholarship

On February 24, 1996, three Brothers to the Rescue aircrafts were conducting a search and rescue mission over international waters between Florida and Cuba when Cuban Air Force jets shot down two of the planes, killing all onboard.

The Martyrs of February 24 Scholarship was created by the four families of the fallen men:

Armando Alejandre Jr.Carlos Costa, Mario de la Pena, Pablo Morales

Essay topic for the 2025 scholarship: The struggle for Human Rights in Cuba - The July 11, 2021 protests and how the Cuban government responded (detentions and trials).

Completed Application, Essay, and Transcript or Degree Audit, to be uploaded and emailed to:

DEADLINE: By Midnight on Monday, February 24, 2025

Scholarship Information


These scholarships are awarded to Miami Dade College students based on criteria, which includes academic achievement and leadership activities.

Completion of at least 12 credit hours toward an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Certificate Program by the end of current term

Submission of a three page original essay (750 words – 3 typed pages, double spaced, font of 10-12). The essay must include three bibliographic references (APA style)

Please note:  The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the composition of the essay may disqualify the application.

Not Limited to Hispanic Students

Overall GPA of 3.00 - Scholarship will partially cover tuition, fees, and other related educational materials

Scholarship is only available for students continuing their studies at Miami Dade College or transferring to a university. Previous recipients are NOT eligible to apply.

One scholarship will be awarded to an aviation-related major.

Recipients will be required to attend an Awards Ceremony.

Scholarship essay support:

MDC Learning Resources has writing tutors who are available to help you with completing the scholarship application and reviewing the writing essay:

Here is the link to schedule an appointment:

Online Academic Databases

Books available at the MDC libraries

MDC TV - Historia Cultural de Cuba

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MDC Learning Resources

Links to Cuban dissident organizations

Links to resources on topics regarding to Cuba

E-books @ MDC Libraries

Streaming Video