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Architecture & Interior Design - Library Resources for Faculty: Periodicals

Print Subscriptions

These days, most periodicals are available in electronic format through subscription-based databases. Since electronic formats offer the greatest amount of access, the MDC Libraries purchase periodical titles as part of a database whenever possible. However, print subscriptions for your discipline can be purchased if needed.

Currently, the Kendall Campus Library subscribes to the following titles in print:

  • Architect (formerly known as Architecture: The AIA Journal)
  • Architectural Digest
  • Architectural Record
  • Arquitectura Viva
  • El Croquis
  • Florida Design
  • House Beautiful
  • Interior Design
  • Metropolis

Find Articles

The library databases provide access to thousands of periodicals. The databases listed below are useful for finding articles on architecture-related topics.

If prompted to log in, enter your MDC username and password.

In addition, digitized versions of the following art and design-related titles are available through Flipster, a database containing popular magazines that can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device:

  • ARTNews
  • Art in America
  • Artforum International
  • Architectural Digest
  • HGTV Magazine
  • Florida Design

Find a Journal

Use the Journal Search to find out which, if any, of our library databases contain the full text of a particular periodical. You can search for a specific journal, or browse journals by discipline.

AI-Powered Tools for Scholarly Research

These AI-powered tools can help you discover and analyze academic papers related to your field of study. Some require a paid subscription or institutional login for access to all features.

As with all AI tools, use with discretion and carefully evaluate results.