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Disability Etiquette

Disability etiquette encourages goodwill and respect among all individuals. It helps make society more inclusive for everyone.

Visual Disability

People who are Blind know how to orient themselves and get around on the street.  They are competent to travel unassisted, though they may use a cane or a guide dog.  A person may have a visual disability that is not obvious.  Be prepared to offer assistance - for example in reading - when asked.


People with low vision may need written material in large print.  A clear font with appropriate spacing is just as important as the type size.  Labels and signs should be clearly lettered in contrasting colors.  It is easiest for most people with low vision to read bold white letters on black background.  Avoid using all uppercase letters because it is more difficult for people with low vision to distinguish the end of a sentence.


To learn best practices when interacting with blind and visually impaired individuals, visit Helping Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals


Dr. Abraham Nemeth

Dr Nemeth

Dr. Abraham Nemeth 

Abraham Nemeth (1918-2013) was born in New York City and attended regular public school as a totally blind child. He majored in psychology at Brooklyn College and received a master’s degree from Columbia University, also in psychology. In spite of his continuing and growing interest in mathematics he was counseled to pursue the field of psychology. While looking for a job as a psychologist, he took evening courses in math and physics at Brooklyn College and later at Columbia University.

His determination to pursue his love of math and science despite the lack of Braille materials in these fields led in 1952 to the creation of what is now known as the Nemeth Code for Mathematics and Science Notation. This unique and revolutionary idea became the official code in the United States, and later Canada and New Zealand. This was a landmark step in the opportunity for blind students to engage in scientific studies. He also developed MathSpeak which is a standard system of reading mathematical formulas out loud.

For more information, visit Dr Nemeth