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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
No Subjects

A new item has been added to our MDC LibGuide Guidelines under LibGuide Administration: Accounts (page 4):

  • The following procedure will be followed when a candidate for employment is asked to develop a LibGuide as part of the search and screen process.
    • A current LibGuide owner will create a LibGuide and will designate the candidate as an editor of the guide.
    • If the candidate is not currently employed in Learning Resources and does not have a LibGuide account, the LibGuide owner will create an editor account for the candidate.
    • Guide status will be set to private.
    • When the search and screen process is completed, the LibGuide owner will promptly delete the guides developed by the unsuccessful candidates and will notify a LibGuide administrator to request deletion of editor accounts.


The MDC LibGuide Guidelines are maintained by the LibGuide Work Group. Revisions are implemented upon approval from the Collegewide Director of Learning Resources.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
No Subjects

Two new items have been added to our MDC LibGuide Guidelines:

  1. Under General Guidelines: Requirements (page 2)
    Course guides created in collaboration with a professor will include the professor’s name in the title of the guide (unless the guide involves multiple professors). Including the course number in the title is optional, but recommended if the guide pertains to a single course.

  2. Under Best Practices: Look and Feel (page 2)
    Choose images that reflect the diversity of our community. For helpful information, see the University & College Designers Association’s Best Practices for Inclusive and Diverse Photography in Higher Education.


The MDC LibGuide Guidelines are maintained by the LibGuide Work Group. Revisions are implemented upon approval from the Collegewide Director of Learning Resources.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
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     The University of Florida's Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Librarian Twanna Hodge reminds us that "[LibGuides] can provide necessary and helpful information and resources, but the work does not stop at creating a guide. Fighting for racial justice and creating inclusive communities is a consistent, life-long journey that takes time, effort, and resources. Racism is pervasive and permeates all areas of society, including libraries. Libraries do not operate outside of society, and isms and phobias are inherent in the people who work within them and the very structures of our organizations."

Just in time for Black History Month, Springshare has re-posted Twanna's helpful advice and resources for keeping DEI in mind as we develop our LibGuides.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
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Did you know that PowerPoint can automatically convert your speech into captions while you're presenting a slideshow? Okay, so this isn't about LibGuides, but it is about accessibility, and it's too good not to share.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
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The LibGuide Work Group has selected a new banner, designed by LR's own Caitlin Richardson.

Miami Dade College Learning Resources

You may also have noticed that our default colors for LibGuide tabs and boxes have been adjusted to coordinate with the new banner. No worries, though! If you've changed the tab and/or box colors in any of your guides, your customizations have remained in place.

If you loved the old default colors and absolutely must have them back, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Go into edit mode for the guide you want to change.
  2. Select Tab & Box Options from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the edit screen.

  3. Plug in the color codes listed below.

    Tab Color Codes

    • Active background (light blue): #c1d7f7
    • Active font (black): #000000
    • Inactive background (navy blue): #003366

    Box Color Codes

    • Box header background (navy blue): #003366

profile-icon Jenny Saxton
No Subjects

In case you missed Springshare's most recent webinar on building a virtual escape room, here is the recording: https://tinyurl.com/yevxrvud. Even if escape rooms aren't your thing, the webinar provides a good introduction to creating LibWizard tutorials.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
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Here's the recording of a recent TBLC webinar.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
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If you're working on a LibGuide with a faculty member and feel a more formalized agreement would be helpful, you can now take advantage of the Best Practices for LibGuide Collaboration with Faculty document [PDF], which includes an agreement form you can use as-is, or modify to meet your needs. The form is optional, but may help to clarify the nature of the collaboration for all involved.

Many thanks to Marta Frydman for developing this document for the LibGuide Work Group.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
No Subjects

UPDATE: This video is now part of a series of short video tutorials on how to address common WAVE accessibility issues. Visit the WAVE Accessibility Tutorials page, or subscribe to this YouTube playlist.

This 9-minute video shows you how to use the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool to test your LibGuides for color contrast issues - a surprisingly common problem in many of our guides. You'll also learn how easy it is to revert your LibGuide's color scheme back to the accessible default.

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profile-icon Jenny Saxton
No Subjects

What do you do if you accidentally delete a LibGuide, or if someone suddenly needs a LibGuide you deleted ages ago? Keep calm, and watch this 4-minute video that shows you how to retrieve an HTML backup. You'll also learn how to back up your existing guides in case of a zombie apocalypse or other unforeseen disaster. You can't be too careful these days!

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