The video on the left was created with you, new faculty, in mind. The goal is to introduce you to 3 of the top library services to enhance the work you are doing in your classroom.
Information literacy instruction is one of our top services. Whether you are teaching online or face-to-face, we can join your class to show students how to conduct research and cite sources using APA or MLA. Students may be unfamiliar with using the MDC databases to find scholarly academic articles, we can show them. We can also show them how to avoid plagiarism by citing sources. Library sessions are tailored to the needs of your class. They can be general overviews of the library services for students, or they can be specific, focused on assignments.
Each academic year, librarians collaborate with faculty across disciplines to support students’ success via traditional, customized, and embedded library instruction.
Traditional Support
Customized Support
Embedded Support
Not at the Homestead Campus? No problem! For a full list of librarians collegewide, please visit
LibGuides are another great resource. LibGuides is short for library guides, which are web-based research pages curated and designed by librarians to support your course. Whether you would like to compile a list of resources for your students to use on an assignment or project or you are considering using open educational resources, OER materials for your entire course, we can create a customized LibGuide for you.
Librarians are continuously working to develop and maintain a relevant, authoritative collection of print and electronic resources that meets the information needs of your students, promotes literacy, and encourages lifelong learning. Each academic year, we add new print and electronic books to the library collection. We strive to add the most relevant, current, award-winning, and popular materials. To that end, we welcome your recommendations. This ensures that students have access to the most current materials that are being used in the classroom to supplement instruction.
Learning Resources is collegewide. You are not limited to the materials at the Homestead Campus. You can borrow books from other campuses via intercampus loan or other academic institutions via interlibrary loan.
We can also place items on reserve for your class. These resources, designated by you, will be available for use in the library, ensuring your students have convenient access to supplemental materials.