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Honors College Summer Reading Program 2022: MDC & Learning Resources

Get Engaged Through iCED!

The Civic Action Scorecard can be applied to the International Read-in! See opportunities below:


Read a nonfiction or fiction book.


Attend/participate in MDC Live Arts program (1.5 hrs. minimum)


Attend/participate in a local arts or cultural fair/festival  (1.5 hrs. minimum)


Propose your own civic action item to iCED

Single Stop at MDC

Using the MDC Library Catalog

Basic Instructions:

  1. Enter your search terms and click "Search".
  2. Once you find the item you're looking for, write down the call number of the book.
  3. Go to your campus library and ask any staff member at the front desk to get the book for you.

Click here to read a more detailed guide with pictures on how to use the MDC library catalog.

Finding Books at an MDC Library

Ask A Librarian