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North Campus Library Resources: Formatting, Citations, and Research

Choose a Style

Choose a Style Below:

APA (American Psychological Association)

Screenshot of OWL Purdue's APA website.

Analyzing Sources and Conducting Effective Research (APA Version)

MLA (Modern Language Association)

Screenshot of OWL Purdue's MLA website.

Analyzing Sources and Conducting Effective Research Tutorial (MLA Version)

Citation Tools

Free Online Citation Creation Tools Direct Citation Tools from the Library Databases

Use these tools cautiously. Double-check results. You may need to make some changes.

These are free tools that assist you in creating in-text citations and citations for your references page.

Did you know that all of our Library Databases usually provide you with an automatic citation? Just click on "Citation Tools" or "Cite" and select the citation style you need!

Gale Database Example:

ProQuest Database Example:

EBSCO Database Example: