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Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial High School - MDC Dual Enrollment: CCJ1020

This is a guide for the dual enrollment courses from Miami Dade College offered at Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial High School.

Course Description of CCJ1020: Introduction to Criminal Justice

This course will explore and define the various components of the criminal justice system. It is designed for the entry level criminal justice practitioner and beginning student interested in entering the field. 

Visit the learning resources home page and log in to My Library Account using your MDC ID number to access databases and e-books.  Use your MDC username and password to log in. 


Actus Reus

Law and justice graphic

Images by Macrovector on Freepik

Logo for the School of Justice, Public Safety, and Law StudiesMDC School of Justice, Public Safety, and Law Studies

"The School of Justice, Public Safety and Law Studies at Miami Dade College is a public safety and educational training center. In addition to offering criminal justice academic programs, the School of Justice, Public Safety and Law Studies provides training toward certification and licensing in various areas of public safety, including fire, police, corrections and private security."

Databases for Criminal Justice Research

Open Resources for Criminal Justice

Open Access resources are free and open online resources that provide access to academic information, including publications, textbooks, and articles.

Films on Demand - Criminal Justice

Footer for Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial High School - Blue background with graduates