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Doral Academy Dual Enrollment @ West Campus: MAC1105

Resources for Doral Academy Dual Enrollment Students

Course Description

MAC 1105: College Algebra

In this course, students will develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, computational proficiency, and contextual fluency through the study of equations, functions, and their graphs. Emphasis will be placed on quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics will include solving equations and inequalities, definition and properties of a function, domain and range, transformations of graphs, operations on functions, composite and inverse functions, basic polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and applications. Student learning outcomes: students will solve an equation or an inequality using an appropriate technique; students will define and describe functions, their properties, and graphs; students will manipulate functions to simplify expressions and find new functions; students will use transformations to write an equation for a function and to graph a function; and students will model and solve real world problems using functions.

Core Competencies

Competency 1: The student will demonstrate knowledge of absolute value equations and inequalities.

Competency 2: The student will demonstrate knowledge of complex numbers.

Competency 3: The student will demonstrate knowledge of functions, from a numerical, graphical, verbal and analytic perspective.

Competency 4: The student will demonstrate knowledge of quadratic equations and functions.

Competency 5: The student will demonstrate knowledge of systems of linear equations and inequalities.

Competency 6: The student will demonstrate knowledge of exponential and logarithmic functions.

Competency 7: The student will demonstrate knowledge of polynomial and rational functions and inequalities.

Competency 8: The student will demonstrate knowledge of equations in two variables.

Tutoring Services

Learning Resources tutors offer support in-person or online. To schedule an appointment with a math tutor, click here.
