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Divine Savior Academy Doral Dual Enrollment @ West Campus: ENC1101

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Resources for Dual Enrollment Students

Course Description

ENC 1101: English Composition I

This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, language conventions and style, and critical analysis and engagement with written texts and other forms of communication. Learning outcomes: students will apply rhetorical knowledge to communicate for a range of audiences and purposes; students will employ critical thinking to analyze forms of communication; and students will engage in writing processes that involve drafting, revising, and reflecting. Prerequisite: Student must meet the Developmental Education reading and writing requirements in State Rule 6A-10.0315 (by course, placement score, or eligible exemption). Students who complete this course will be awarded the Fundamentals of Written Communication Digital Badge.

Core Competencies

Competency 1: The student will produce writing by:

  • Choosing and limiting a subject that can be sufficiently developed within a given time, for a specific purpose and audience.
  • Developing and refining pre-writing and planning skills.
  • Formulating the main point to reflect the subject and purpose of the writing.
  • Supporting the main point with specific details and arranging them logically. •
  • Using appropriate transitional devices.
  • Writing an effective conclusion.

Competency 2: The student will write well-developed essays by:

  • Writing an introductory paragraph.
  • Constructing a thesis statement.
  • Developing the thesis by: Providing adequate support that reflects the ability to distinguish between generalized and concrete evidence. Arranging the ideas and supporting details in a logical pattern appropriate to the purpose and focus. Patterns may include descriptive, narrative, and evaluative writing, process analysis, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, exemplification, and others. Writing unified prose in which all supporting material is relevant to the thesis. Writing coherent prose and providing effective transitional devices.
  • Writing a concluding paragraph.

Competency 3: The student will proofread, edit, and revise by:

  • Recognizing and correcting errors in clarity.
  • Recognizing and correcting errors in unity and coherence. 
  • Using conventional sentence structure and correcting sentence errors such as fragments, run-ons, comma splices, misplaced modifiers, and faulty parallelism.
  • Recognizing and correcting errors in utilizing the conventions of standard edited American English including: using standard verb forms and consistent tense. Maintaining agreement between subject and verb, and between pronoun and antecedent. Using correct subjective, objective, and possessive case pronouns. Maintaining consistency in point of view. Using standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Selecting vocabulary appropriate to audience, purpose, and occasion.

Competency 4: The student will read and respond to selections by:

  • Identifying main ideas, purpose, overall organizational patterns, supporting details, and elements of coherence in assigned readings. 
  • Distinguishing fact from opinion.
  • Summarizing and/or paraphrasing passages.

Competency 5: The student will conduct research by: 

  • Assembling sources on a designated subject.
  • Taking effective notes from sources.
  • Recognizing when and how to document sources.

Library Databases

Tutoring Services

Learning Resources tutors offer support in-person or online. To schedule an appointment with a writing tutor, click here.
