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Civic Leadership Fellows Program (CLF): Program Resources

The Civic Leadership Fellows program matches Federal Work-Study eligible students at Miami Dade College (MDC) who will be Changemakers with an organization dedicated to improving the community and working for the public good.

Fellow Resources

Once you are hired as a Fellow, you will need to access the documents below:

1. Please read the Civic Leadership Fellows Handbook within the first week of work. Once you read the handbook, complete the quiz (found at the end of the document) and submit your answers along with a signed copy of the "Working Agreement" (linked below) to

2. Bring your Placement Confirmation Agreement on your first day at your host site to create a work schedule with your supervisor. Once completed, email a copy of this agreement to 

3. Always bring a printed copy of your timesheet with you to work and have your supervisor sign it at the end of each shift. 

4. For your first two pay periods, you will submit a filled-out Bi-Weekly Progress Report along with your completed time-sheet. Before submitting the Progress Report, go over your answers with your host site supervisor. 

5. Halfway through your service period, you will submit a Mid-Year Check-In to help iCED understand how your CLF experience is progressing. Once completed, please email it to

Partner Resources

If you are hosting a Civic Leadership Fellow, please ensure you and your staff are familiar with the contents of the Partner Handbook. It details the goals of the program and the different roles that iCED, Fellows, and Community Partners play in this collaboration. If you have any questions regarding the contents of the handbook, reach out to your Civic Leadership Fellows Coordinator at and/or the Community-Campus Partnerships Coordinator at