Refining search statements helps you find the most relevant results. When results are relevant, they are on target or very close to the information being sought. Complex search statements can be refined by adding words such as Boolean operators.
• And combines search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms.
For example, tires and brakes finds articles that contain both tires and brakes..
• Or combines search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the terms.
For example, dentist or doctor finds results that contain either term or both terms.
• Not excludes terms so that each search result does not contain any of the terms that follow it.
For example,city not town finds results that contain city but not town.
The following table illustrates the operation of Boolean terms:
And |
Or |
Not |
Each result contains |
Each result contains at |
Results do not contain |
all search terms. |
least one search term. |
the specified terms. |
The search puppy and |
The search puppy or kitten |
The search puppy not |
kitten finds items that |
finds items that contain |
kitten finds items that |
contain both puppy |
either puppy or items that |
contain puppy but do not |
and kitten. |
contain kitten. |
contain kitten. |
Search engines conduct searches by using keywords. Keywords are important words or phrases like nouns or noun phrases. To choose your keywords leave out articles like a, an, or the, and prepositional or verb phrases like on, in or going to.