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History - Library Resources for Students: Databases

Ancient Egyptian wall carvings

What Are Library Databases?

MDC students have free access to over 100 subscription-based databases containing popular and scholarly periodicals, ebooks, videos, and other types of information resources.

The following videos provide a good introduction to library databases.

What Are The Library Databases & Which One Should I Use?
by Northeastern Illinois University Libraries
(2 minutes)


Searching Databases
by Yavapai College Library
(5 minutes)

History Databases

The databases listed below are useful for historical topics.

If prompted to log in, enter your MDC username and password.

To find articles:

To find digital collections:

To find ebooks:

To find videos:

Plug Into Google Scholar

More Databases

For MDC databases that can help with your research on topics other than history, visit Research & Writing Guides: Recommended Databases.

If you are a resident of Miami Dade County and have a public library card, you also have access to the Miami Dade Public Library System's databases.