This page is a growing compilation of resources on artificial intelligence in higher education with an emphasis on information literacy and using AI as a research tool.
Visit the Further Reading page for links to books, scholarly articles, and selected LibGuides./p>
Feel free to use this form to recommend additional resources.
These AI-powered tools can help you discover and analyze academic papers related to your field of study. Some require a paid subscription or institutional login for access to all features.
As with all AI tools, use with discretion and carefully evaluate results.
Florida Library Webinars are available only to staff employed in Florida libraries. Visit FLW via Niche Academy to log in or create a free account.
The Miami Dade College Learning Resources "Skillshop" series provides students with information on a variety of topics that complement classroom learning. For more information and a calendar of upcoming sessions, visit MDC Skillshops.
Visit the AI Speaker Series page to view recordings of guest lectures held at Miami Dade College's AI Centers. The AI Centers serve as hubs where technology leaders, industry experts, and students can engage, collaborate, and learn about AI.
More disciplines coming soon.
Wall Street Journal
Curated by Jenny Saxton, Kendall Campus Library
Curated by Jenny Saxton, Kendall Campus Library
This page was created and is maintained by
Jenny Saxton.
Questions and comments are welcome.