The documentation component of each Civic Action Item is suggested to be worth 50% of the points allocated for the item but may be modified by a course instructor.
Why Reflection?
We want to make sure you are thinking about the actions you are taking, instead of going through the motions. Why? Because reflection helps derive meaning and purpose from the actions we take and the paths we explore. Reflection of a Civic Action is a critical analysis of the experience, designed to promote personal learning and civic growth.
Reflection Guidelines
Only course instructors who are requiring Civic Actions for course credit may alter reflection requirements for Civic Action Items.
The reflection component of each Civic Action Item is suggested to be worth 50% of the points allocated for the item but may be modified by a course instructor. Reflections may be written, recorded, or crafted. Faculty may specify which reflection method students are required to use for Civic Action Items assigned in their courses.