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History - Library Resources for Faculty: Databases

History Databases

MDC students and employees have free access to over 100 subscription-based databases containing popular and scholarly periodicals, ebooks, videos, and other types of information resources.

The databases listed below are useful for historical topics.

If prompted to log in, enter your MDC username and password.


Digital collections:


Streaming video:

Plug Into Google Scholar

Find a Journal

Use the Journal Search to find out which, if any, of our library databases contain the full text of a particular periodical. You can search for a specific journal, or browse journals by discipline.

Education Databases

As teachers, you might also be interested in the following education-related databases.

If prompted to log in, enter your MDC username and password.

More Databases

For more information about our library databases, including discipline-specific recommendations, visit Research & Writing Guides: Recommended Databases.