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Exploring Controversial Issues: Home

About This Website

Do you have an assignment that requires you to explore the pros and cons of a controversial issue such as gun control, immigration, or health care reform?  Do you have to write a persuasive or argumentative essay, or take a side on an issue for a speech or a debate? This website provides suggestions for finding reliable information on topics of current interest.

Choosing a Topic

If you don't yet have a topic and need some ideas, these resources can help:

Need Help?

Librarians are available to assist you at your campus library Reference Desk or through the statewide Ask-a-Librarian service: Chat | Email | Text

See Also


The MDC Libraries provide free access to over 100 databases containing popular and scholarly periodicals, ebooks, videos, and other types of information resources.

The following databases are best bets for finding information on controversial issues.

If prompted to log in, enter your MDC username and password.

Current Issues:

General Topics:




More Database Resources

Many of our databases include special features that are often overlooked. The following suggestions can be helpful for researching controversial issues.

Plug Into Google Scholar

Web Resources

Access to Other Libraries

Miami Dade College ID card

If you are a currently registered MDC student, your MDC ID card can be used for borrowing privileges at the Florida International University Libraries.

If you are a resident of Miami-Dade County, you can apply for a public library card that can be used at all branches of the Miami Dade Public Library System.

Use the links below to search the holdings of the FIU and Miami Dade Public Libraries:

For Teachers

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This page was created and is maintained by
Jenny Saxton.

Questions and comments are welcome.