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Campus Learning Community

Collaboratively exploring Earth Literacy, the Earth Charter, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other environmental topics

Earth Ethics Institute Miami Dade College Fostering Earth Literacy at Miami Dade College & beyond.

What is Earth Literacy?

Earth Literacy offers ever-greater understanding of the evolution of the Universe and the interconnectedness of all being. Rooted in evidence-based knowledge, this cosmological context informs a worldview, guides all fields of study, and inspires social change. Earth Literacy recognizes Earth as educator and honors the wisdom found in Earth systems as well as the mystery and numinous beauty within the Universe. Earth Literacy allows us to discover our role within the story of Earth and the Universe, transforming our beliefs and actions so as to create mutually-enhancing, sustainable, resilient relationships with Earth’s community of life. 

Earth Literacy Notebook by Earth Ethics Institute founder McGregor "Mac" Smith 


Additional Resources