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iCED Faculty Academic Service-Learning: Home

Why Academic Service-Learning?

Academic Service Learning (AS-L) is a nationally recognized high-impact teaching practice that is central to a quality changemaking education. With a rich 25-year history of leading in AS-L pedagogy, the Institute for Civic Engagement & Democracy (iCED) at Miami Dade College (MDC) continues to push forward with incorporating best practices in this evolving field. Based on the latest research of best practices in AS-L, these standards for implementation ensure that MDC faculty will understand the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement (CLDE) framework. CLDE intentionally prepares students for informed, engaged participation in their communities’ civic and democratic life and provides opportunities to develop civic knowledge, skills, and mindsets.  

By implementing AS-L, faculty will have an opportunity to transform teaching and learning by bridging the divide between the world beyond their classroom and their course learning objectives. MDC students will participate actively in public life and have a chance to develop empathy, ethics, a sense of social responsibility, and workforce skills. MDC’s service partners will establish sustainable relationships with the College and increase their capacity through collaborating with students and faculty.

AS-L Definition

At MDC, AS-L occurs within a credit-bearing course and is a form of experiential education in which students engage with iCED-approved service partners in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for critical reflection designed to achieve desired learning outcomes. (adapted from Barbara Jacoby, 1996).