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eBook Collection (EBSCO) - EBSCO is now a key provider of eBooks and audiobooks to libraries and other institutions worldwide. The synergy of eBooks and audiobooks with EBSCO's multifaceted collection of electronic content provides libraries with even more options for fulfilling their growing electronic information needs. Making eBook and audiobook content accessible via the popular EBSCOhost interface will provide for a more powerful, fully-integrated user experience and prove valuable to librarians, students, and researchers. EBSCO offers a rapidly growing collection of eBooks available via convenient Subject Sets that have been hand-crafted by collection development experts.
Gale eBooks (Gale) - This product offers more than 85 reference sources including encyclopedias, series, and more, allowing libraries to provide respected authoritative essays on varied topics from numerous subject areas. Users can search across a single eBook or an entire eBook collection.
Infobase eBooks (Infobase Publishing) - Geared to the school and library market, our highly acclaimed reference and nonfiction books cover a wide variety of core subject areas, such as history, science, literature, careers, geography, health, and more. Our various imprints span a range of grade levels from elementary school through college with special imprints devoted to career references and an extensive library of literary criticism edited by the esteemed Harold Bloom.