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Streaming video from large and small production companies covering a wide range of subjects to enhance college courses. These videos include public performance rights that allow them to be used in the educational setting.
Funded by: College (FLVC Group License)
In a world of information overload, information literacy has become a survival skill. But what exactly does information literacy mean? With a focus on the Internet, this video explains how to conduct solid online research by collecting information in an organized, efficient, and ethical way. View Video.
Deciding on a career path is a complex task. The activities you enjoy, your abilities, personal values, personality type and working style all influence the career that would be most suitable for you. View Video.
Developing a personal system for taking notes is an effective study strategy that helps students succeed. A student shares note-taking strategies including mapping and outlining. View Video.
Successful college students set specific, measurable, realistic long and short term goals and use time management tools and strategies to manage these goals. View Video.
Academic success requires time management. Three tools can help college students successfully manage time and achieve goals: a term calendar, a weekly schedule, and a daily to-do list. View Video.
Reading rate and comprehension can mean the difference between success and failure to students. Three strategies for improving both are presented in this program. The first suggests reading during the day, for short periods in a quiet place, for maximum efficiency. View Video.
Studying is a process, not a last-minute event. It takes strategy to consistently make the grade—both before a test and during. View Video.
Stress, when carefully managed, can actually facilitate academic achievement. Reinforced by on-screen lists and a review segment at the end, this program first defines stress and then promotes three core strategies for dealing with it: a positive attitude, a healthy lifestyle, and relaxation techniques. View Video.