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ILL OCLC WorldShare

Lender Process

Once logged in, the Lender should:

  1. Under Lending Requests - Can You Supply?, select New - Copies (if there are any article exchange requests).

 InterLibrary Loan Home page and Quick Links section

  1. Click on the Request ID to open its details and then select Search my library's online catalog next to the title information to locate article/item.
  2. Once found, download or save as PDF.
  3. In the request, click OCLC Article Exchange under the URL field.

 Searching for article/item and uploading file

  1. Locate the article file on your computer.
  2. Click Open to add the file.
  3. Click Drop file.
  4. The URL field is updated with the URL, the Password field is updated with the password, and a Preview button appears.
  5. Save the request.
  6. Request status updates to Shipped when you answer Yes to Can You Supply?

*Note: Remember to add your constant data information as you do with other item requests.


Scannx and BSCAN integration

If you are using a Scannx or BSCAN scanner, you can automatically update the lending request with the Article Exchange URL and password after scanning the document.

  1. Configure your Scannx or BSCAN device for WorldShare ILL and Article Exchange integration. 
    • Please see Scannx or BSCAN documentation for additional assistance.  
  2. From your scanner:
    • If using Scannx, select the WorldShare ILL or Article Exchange option.
    • If using BSCAN, select WorldShare ILL or Article Exchange from the Delivery Method drop-down list.
  3. Scan the document and enter the Request ID.
    • The Request ID in WorldShare ILL is connected with the ID uploaded via the scanner.
  4. The URL and password for the document appear automatically in WorldShare ILL.
  5. Click Yes to respond yes to the request.

*For more information, visit OCLC WorldShare ILL, Article Exchange workflow

Borrower Process

Once logged in, the Borrower should:

  1. On the left navigation, click Borrowing Requests > AE Alert.
  2. On the AE Alert screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
  3. The request appears, and the AE Alert information appears to the right under the Request Details accordion.
  4. (Optional) Click Preview to preview the item. Note: Previewing the document does not count against the number of times the document can be viewed.
  5. Click Email doc to patron to send an email to let the patron know there is a document available for pick-up. The Email Request screen appears.
    • Note: If the borrower and patron email addresses are in the appropriate fields in the request, they will be automatically mapped to the From and To address boxes in the email template. Citation data will also transfer to the email, along with information about how long the file will be maintained in Article Exchange.*
  6. If needed, add the From, To, and CC (optional) email addresses and edit the Subject and Body as needed.
  7. Click Send.

 Note: You will need to click Mark as Received to complete the request.

* To avoid errors in email formatting, include only a valid email address (do not include extra text) in the Email field of your constant data records.


Provide an article via email

A borrower can also use Article Exchange to provide an article they received from the lender via email.

  1. Locate and open the item in the In Transit queue.
  2. Click OCLC Article Exchange under the URL field.
  3. Locate the article file on your computer.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Click Drop file. The URL field is updated with the URL, the Password field is updated with the password, and a Preview button appears.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Click Preview to preview the item. Previewing the document does not count against the number of times the document can be viewed.
  8. Click Email doc to patron to send an email to let the patron know there is a document available for pick-up. The Email Request screen appears.
    • Note: If the borrower and patron email addresses are in the appropriate fields in the request, they will be automatically mapped to the From and To address boxes in the email template. Citation data will also transfer to the email, along with information about how long the file will be maintained in Article Exchange.*
  9. If needed, add the From, To, and CC (optional) email addresses and edit the Subject and Body as needed.
  10. Click Send.

 Note: You will need to click Mark as Received to complete the request.

* To avoid errors in email formatting, include only a valid email address (do not include extra text) in the Email field of your constant data records.


Patron process

After receiving the email, the patron should:

  1. Open the email, which includes a tinyURL and password for the article.
  2. Click the URL to see the article online.
  3. The OCLC Article Exchange screen appears, asking for the password.
  4. Type the password in the field provided.
  5. Click Get my file.
  6. If the library has enabled the Copyright Compliance Declaration setting in OCLC Service Configuration, library users will be directed to an Article Exchange page to acknowledge that they have read the copyright compliance statement.
    • Click Proceed to acknowledge the copyright compliance statement. The document will then be processed.
  7. A File Download window opens.
  8. Choose to either Open or Save the document.

*For more information, visit OCLC WorldShare ILL, Article Exchange workflow