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ILL OCLC WorldShare

Can You Supply?

To respond yes to a loan request:

  1. On the left navigation, under Lending Requests, click Can You Supply?.
  2. On the Can You Supply? screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
  3. In the request, review and confirm the information in the Request Details accordion.
    1. Select Search my library's online catalog, Primo will open in a new window and show you the results. It is recommended that if no results appear, search the catalog manually by title. 
    2. Review Borrowing Notes for any information that may impact ability to fulfill request.
    3. If you are able to supply the requested title, proceed with the following steps. 

Note: To prevent additional responses to a request from other campuses, select Mark as Considering to move the request to a Considering folder which will indicate to others that the request is actively being worked on. This allows you to continue reviewing requests before fulfilling them.

  1. From the Apply constant data list at the top of the screen, select your constant data for loans. Please email for any issues or discrepancies with constant data.
    •  Note: When a different Constant Data is applied to a request, the fields are overwritten and briefly highlighted in green as a visual indicator of the change.
  2. Review the information in the Borrowing Information accordion.
    •  Note: Take note of where item is being shipped. Destination will determine mailing label used, e.g. in-state = FedEx (Visit the TBLC website for more info on FedEx Shipping), out-of-state = OCLC shipping label (see below for further details).
  3. Review the information in the Lending Information accordion for accuracy according to your campus details.
  4. Complete Alma Checkout Procedures for ILL Lending Requests before proceeding to next steps.
  5. In the Request Details accordion, enter the Due Date provided in Alma.
  6. Enter a Local ID. The Local ID is the items' barcode number.
  7. At the top of the screen, click Save.
  8. Select printing options:
    1. For all requests, in-state and out-of-state, check Print Book Straps / Stickers.
    2. For out-of-state requests only, check Print Shipping Labels.
    3. For more information, see OCLC Support's Printing page.
  9. To respond yes to the request, click Yes.

*For more information, visit OCLC WorldShare ILL, Lending Requests - Respond to Requests

Respond to a Renewal Request

On OCLC WorldShare

To respond to a renewal request:

  1. On the left navigation, under Lending Requests, click Renewal Requested.
  2. On the Renewal Requested screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
  3. In the request, review and confirm the information in the Request Details accordion. Note the Borrower's desired Due Date and Renewal Requested date (if applicable).
  4. If you are willing to grant the renewal, edit the Due Date to reflect the new due date you wish to give.
  5. Click an action:
    • Accept Renewal to accept the request
    • Deny Renewal to reject the request
    • Recall item to request the return of an item
  6. A confirmation message appears and the request appears on the left navigation under Received/In Use.

*For more information, visit OCLC WorldShare ILL, Lending Requests - Respond to Requests

On Alma

  1. Under Manage Patron Services, search for the relevant ILL MDC Campus User Account.
  2. Choose All loans option in Loan Display dropdown, locate the item you wish to renew.
  3. Next to the item, click on the ellipses and select Change Due Date from the list.
  4. Enter the date that corresponds with the date requested and entered in OCLC. Click Change Due Date to submit.

Note: for additional information on responding to requests, such as responding Yes to a copy request, responding No to requests as a lender, responding conditionally to a request, or recalling an item, see the OCLC Resource Sharing page: WorldShare ILL, Lending Requests - Respond to Requests.

Shipping a Request

  1. Navigate to FedEx and login with credentials supplied by the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC).
  2. Select Shipping tab and Create a Shipment from the dropdown.
  3. Complete sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the form. See tutorial video below for more information.
    • Section 1 - Defaults to your preset location.
    • Section 2 - Under company or contact name, type the borrowing institution code.
    • Section 3 - Enter the package's weight.
    • Section 5 - Click "Ship".

Note: This shipping tool is retiring soon. Updates to this section will be made as the new version becomes available.

*For more information and resources, visit TBLC's Florida Library Delivery.

Complete a Request

  1. On the left navigation, under Lending Requests, click Returned > Returned/In Transit.
  2. On the Returned/In Transit screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
  3. In the request, review and confirm the information in the Request Details accordion.
  4. To complete the request, click Checked-in/Complete.
  5. A confirmation message appears and the request is complete.

Note: If the item is marked Not Returned, it appears in the left navigation under Returned > Returned but Missing and ages out of the system after 180 days. See Request Aging for more information.

*For more information, visit OCLC WorldShare ILL, Lending Requests - Complete Requests