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Immaculata La Salle HS Dual Enrollment Resources : ENC1101

immaculata la salle dual enrollment

Course Description

ENC 1101: English Composition I

This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, language conventions and style, and critical analysis and engagement with written texts and other forms of communication. Learning outcomes: students will apply rhetorical knowledge to communicate for a range of audiences and purposes; students will employ critical thinking to analyze forms of communication; and students will engage in writing processes that involve drafting, revising, and reflecting. Prerequisite: Student must meet the Developmental Education reading and writing requirements in State Rule 6A-10.0315 (by course, placement score, or eligible exemption). Students who complete this course will be awarded the Fundamentals of Written Communication Digital Badge.

E-Books for Essay Writing
Additional Resources
Library Databases
Homework Help

Learning Resources tutors and librarians offer support in-person or online. To schedule an appointment with a tutor or librarian, click here.
