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SLS1510 - Career Exploration: MLA Citations

Discovering the resources available to exploring majors and careers: Optimal Resumes, Career Coach, Florida Choices Planer and Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Citation Tips & Reminders


  • Common terms in the works-cited list like editor, edited by, translator, and review are not abbreviated.


  • When a source has three (3) or more authors, only the first one shown in the source is normally given. It is followed by et al.

Books and Other Printed Works

  • Page numbers in the works cited list (but not in in-text citations) are preceded by p. or pp.

  • For books citations, the city of publication is not necessary, except in special situations.


Jacobs, Alan. The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction. Oxford UP, 2011.


  • Issues of scholarly journals are written “vol. 64, no. 1” rather than “64.1”

  • If an issue of a scholarly journal is dated with a month or season, the month or season is always cited along with the year.


Kincaid, Jamaica. “In History.” Callaloo, vol. 24, no. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 620-26.

Online Works

  • The URL (without https:// or https://) is included for a web source without angle brackets.

  • The citing of DOIs (digital object identifiers) is encouraged.

  • Citing the date when an online work was consulted is optional.

  • Placeholders for unknown information like n.d. (“no date”) are not used. If facts missing from work are available in a reliable external resource, they are cited in square brackets. Otherwise, they are simply omitted.


  • When an organization is both author and publisher of a work, the organization’s name is given only once, usually as the publisher. No author is stated.

  • The medium of publication not stated, except when it is needed for clarity.

  • When the title of a periodical (journal, magazine) begins with an article (A, An, The), the article is treated as part of the title. The article name is italicized and its first letter capitalized, for example, The New York Times