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Breed Specific Legislation - Canines: BSL in Miami

According to the ASPCA, "Breed-specific” legislation (BSL) is the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain breeds completely in the hopes of reducing dog attacks.

What do you think?

Do you agree there should be Breed Specific Bans?

What do you think?
Yes: 2311 votes (41.69%)
No: 3186 votes (57.48%)
Undecided: 46 votes (0.83%)
Total Votes: 5543

BSL in other Florida Counties

Some history before the BAN was lifted- Youtube Videos

There are thousands of videos on Youtube. Search wisely and make sure the producers of the videos support information with authority and accuracy. Here are a few:



Scrappy-Golden male believed to be an American Pit Bull. He passed away due to a medical condition.  
When Scrappy was alive, he was illegal in Miami Dade County. 
Brewster-Chocolate brown male evaluated at Miami Dade Animal Services. By a percentage of conformities, he is an American Staffordshire Terrier.  He has since died, but during his life, he was illegal in Miami Dade County.

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