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World Languages - Library Resources: LibGuides

LibGuides for World Languages

There are no LibGuides that have been created for World Languages as of February 2018, other than this LibGuide. If you are interested in creating one or having one created for you, please contact me. You will see my contact information on the first page of the LibGuide (Overview of Collection).

Using LibGuides at Miami Dade College

A LibGuide is a website that provides students with information on a specific topic. Some LibGuides facilitate access to a variety of information resources such as books, articles, videos, and web pages. Others serve as how-to manuals for tasks such as conducting research or citing sources.

A LibGuide can be associated with a particular course, or with a specific course assignment. Or, a LibGuide might serve as an online brochure of the resources and services provided by a computer lab or tutoring center.

"Techie" ability, such as knowledge of HTML or JavaScript code (although it can be helpful), is not needed to create a LibGuide. All that's required is a basic awareness of best practices for website design, plus a little imagination. 

Got an idea for a LibGuide that can help your students succeed?Contact your campus library to discuss the possibilities.