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STEM-AISLE: Internship Opportunities

Research & Internships

Human Engineering Research Laboratories - ASPIRE

ASPIRE is a ten-week research program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), that focuses on research in the rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology fields. In addition to full participation in an on-going research project, students write a project paper, develop a poster, and compete in an elevator pitch competition. The program concludes with Student Symposium where the winners of the best paper, poster, and elevator pitch are recognized. The ASPIRE REU program aligns with HERL's mission to continuously improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advance engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation. Students in all areas (especially all engineering programs, math, and computer science) are encouraged to apply.

HACU logo

The Hispanic Association Of Colleges And Universities - The HACU National Internship Program (HNIP)

HACU is accepting applications for the Leader-in-Residence Program, a competitive program where students from HACU-member institutions receive leadership and career development training. Selected students will receive a scholarship to participate in the ¡Adelante! Leadership Institute, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2021. Deadline to apply is June 25, 2021.

NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium - Florida Space Internship Program

The NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) and Space Florida (SF) are partnering in a STEM Internship Program at the Space Life Sciences Laboratory (SLSL), Exploration Park at KSC, during the summer every year (depending on availability of projects at the SLSL).  FSGC will act as the Lead in this program and will have final decision on the selection of potential STEM mentors and interns.  The internships are of 10 weeks duration. The internship program usually commences on June 1 and concludes on August 7. This will be a paid internship of $6,000 for the 10-week program. 

National Science Foundation – (REU) Research Experience for Undergraduates

This REU Site hosted at TAMUK and supported by the National Science Foundation's Division of Engineering Education and Centers is designed to develop and implement a model environment for multidisciplinary collaborative efforts where research and education are tightly integrated around the different facets of sustainable energy and environment research.

School of Science - Research Opportunities

The School of Science has opportunities for students to participate in STEM undergraduate research in the spring and summer semesters. Students are paired with a faculty mentor to work on a project related to the mentor’s scholarly work or ongoing research. Your mentor will get you started on a project, teach you the tools and techniques, and provide the resources that you will need for your research. The School of Science will provide you with professional skills workshops that complement what you are learning from your mentor and help prepare you to share your research with others.


U.S. Department of Agriculture – Research and Extension Experience in Energy and the Environment across Agriculture Disciplines (RE2AD)

There is a significant talent gap in agricultural fields needed to drive innovation and to sustain the U.S. global technical superiority. There is also a significant under-representation of minorities in agricultural workforce, especially Hispanics and women. Employers are now seeking talents with a broader skillset including leadership, teamwork, problem solving, digital competency, communication, and critical thinking. The goal of this project is to develop and implement a model environment for multidisciplinary collaborative efforts where research and extension are tightly integrated around the different facets of energy and environment research in agricultural fields.

Institute for Broadening Participation - Pathways to Science

Education and Career training opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM).
Browse 650+ different Summer research experiences for undergraduates (REU) and paid internships.

Chegg Internships - Find Science internships in Florida

Chegg Internships brings students and employers together in one centralized location, providing tools and services for students to develop the real-world skills they will need upon graduation and for employers to find the best candidates.

Air Force Research Laboratory Scholars Program

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Scholars Program offers stipend-paid internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate-level university students pursuing STEM degrees, as well as upper-level high school students; select locations also offer internships to university students pursuing education-related degrees and K–12 professional educators. The selected interns gain valuable hands-on experiences working with full-time AFRL scientists and engineers on cutting-edge research and technology and are able to contribute to unique, research-based projects. Graduate interns are able to collaborate with AFRL on current research and incorporate the research into their graduate work.

Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship (BESIP)

The NIBIB sponsored Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship (BESIP) is for undergraduate biomedical engineering students who have completed their junior year of college. The 10-week program, under the guidance of Dr. Robert Lutz, BESIP Program Director, is scheduled from June 7, 2021 to August 13, 2021. The internship will allow rising senior bioengineering students to participate in cutting-edge biomedical research projects under the mentorship of world-class scientists in NIH laboratories in Bethesda, MD.​​​​

Internships at AAAS

AAAS provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to engage with decision-makers and inform policy decisions on local, state, and national levels. AAAS educates scientists about the role of science in policymaking and empowers them with ways to become a voice for science and engineering throughout their careers. The tools and resources AAAS provide help science advocates effectively communicate within their communities and with key decision-makers.