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Florida Civic Literacy Exam Resources Guide: Practice Test


FCLE practice test 2

FCLE Practice Test

The purpose of these sample test materials is to orient faculty and students to the types of questions on the Florida Civic Literacy Examination. The sample questions and answers are not intended to demonstrate the length of the actual test; however, each of the four outcomes assessed on the test are represented in the same proportion on the sample test as on the actual test (approximately 25% each). Student performance on the sample test should not be used as a predictor of performance on the actual test, and the sample test is not intended to guide classroom instruction.

Florida Civics Literacy Exam (FCLE) Review Module

InQuizitive: Formative Adaptive Quizzing

The content in this assessment addresses the four key objectives of the FCLE. The review questions are in W.W. Norton's adaptive, formative platform named InQuizitive. Students can attempt questions as many times as they wish to work towards mastery of the objectives. Students will also receive a personalized learning path so that they receive more questions on topics they're struggling with. 

Through September 1, 2023, students will be able to access InQuizitive free of charge. In return, W.W. Norton are asking users to share feedback with them so they can continue to resource design the assessment to help students pass the FCLE exam. 

  • Students can complete a short survey via this link
  • Faculty can complete a short survey via this link

Online FCLE Sample Test

Access the online FCLE sample test here and review FCLE Sample Test Registration Step-by-Step Guide or follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Make sure all options are set to ON and click Sign In,
  • Step 2: For Student Grade Level, select 30,
  • Step 3: Scroll down to Florida Civic Literacy Exam, select Start Florida Civil Literacy Exam Sample Test,
  • Step 4: Do not change settings, then click Select,
  • Step 5: Click Begin Test Now.

The sample test is not scored. To access the correct answers to the sample items, see the FCLE sample items document on the FLDOE FCLE webpage.

Tech Tuesday Skillshop: Using AI to Study for the FCLE