An in-text citation begins with the shortest piece of information that directs your reader to the entry in the works-cited list. The citation can appear in your prose or in parenthesis.
Citation in prose
Naomi Baron broke new ground on the subject.
Parenthetical citation
At leas one researcher has broken new ground on the subject (Baron).
Work cited
Baron, Naomi S. "Redefining Reading: The Impact of Digital Communication Media." PML, vol. 128, no.1, Jan. 2013, pp. 193-200.
Sometimes you may have to use an indirect source. An indirect source is a source cited within another source. For such indirect quotations, use "qtd. in" to indicate the source you actually consulted. For example:
Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as "social service centers, and they don't do that well" (qtd. in Weisman 259).
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