What is the Nursing Writers of Excellence Award?
Every semester, Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) students are required to produce a QEP written assignment to demonstrate competency of nursing career knowledge and skills. These QEP papers take a considerable amount of time and effort, as the students can unanimously attest; however, their hard work is not without reward. Students in their last semester were assigned a QEP paper to craft their own nursing philosophy, and the top papers from the Professional Nursing Leadership course were selected by a panel of judges comprised of writing support assistants from Homestead and the Medical Campus.
Who are the winners of the Nursing Writers of Excellence Award?
The results for Spring 2021 are below. Click on the student for their bio and photo to find out more about the winners. You can also read their work.
In first place, from the Baptist cohort:
In second place, from the Homestead campus:
In third place, from the Medical Campus:
For the Honorable Mention award, from the Medical Campus: