Embedded librarians and embedded writing tutors work closely with teaching faculty in their courses, providing a library and writing tutoring resource to students throughout the entire course. Librarians collaborate with instructors to assist students with assignments that utilize library resources and answer students’ questions regarding library materials. Writing tutors work with instructors to schedule writing tutoring support for students. This program seeks to create an integrated and sustained collaboration between teaching faculty, librarians, and writing tutors, in the classroom.
Services at this level include:
Continued Collaboration between Faculty and LR
2-3 Additional Classroom Visits
Commit to Worktime in Class
Share Class Schedule
Blackboard/Canvas Access for Tutor
Minimum of 4 Tutor Appointments
Classroom Presence as Requested
Library concepts taught at this level include:
When to Use Subject Specific Databases
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
Developing Search Terms
Difficult to Search Topics
Citation Assistance
Writing Tutor concepts taught at this level include:
Creating Writing Timeline
Writing Prompt
Writing Rubric