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School of Entertainment & Design Technology – Library Resources: Instruction

Teaching Information Literacy & Research Skills

You can help your students develop effective research skills--information literacy--in the following ways:

  • Schedule a classroom session with a librarian. 
  • Embed a librarian in your class.
  • Require appointments with the librarians.  
  • Develop challenging research assignments with a librarian's help.
  • Develop a LibGuide tailored to your class.  
  • Link LIS1001 or LIS2004 to your course as a Learning Community.  
  • Advertise and use the MDC Learning Resources Facebook page. 

To request a class session, click here.  To speak to a librarian about developing assignments, creating a LibGuide or having someone embedded in your course, contact your campus library.

Designing Research Assignments

Whatever the activity, you'll want to be aware of best practices for incorporating information literacy into the assignments you create. Below are links to a few helpful websites. A more extensive collection of links can be found here.
