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British Literature from 1660 to Present: Notable Authors, 1660-1785

British Literature

Timeline of British Literature during the Restoration period

Notable Authors of the Restoration Period

  • John Evelyn (1620 - 1706) - John Evelyn is most famous for his diaries, which provide a detailed and insightful chronicle of his life and the events of his time, including the Restoration period. His diaries are a valuable historical resource, offering firsthand accounts of major events, daily life, and the political and social atmosphere of 17th-century England.
  • John Locke (1632 - 1704) English philosopher and political theorist John Locke began the empiricist tradition and thus initiated the greatest age of British philosophy. He attempted to center philosophy on an analysis of the extent and capabilities of the human mind. His major works include Two Treatises and the Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
  • Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703) - English diarist and naval administrator. His diary, which covers the period 1660-69, is a vivid account of London life through such disasters as the Great Plague, the Fire of London, and the intrusion of the Dutch fleet up the Thames.

Notable Authors of the Augustan Period

Notable Authors of the Samuel Johnson Period