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Library Liaison Approach

Library liaisons work closely with the Discipline to make sure that the faculty are given the opportunity to select materials and services that best fit the needs of the curriculum. Each liaison works in a college-wide capacity. Whether it's attending the discipline meetings, working with a small group of professors to review a database, or attending a national conference, library liaisons have the expertise needed in the field to support the changing needs of the discipline and support student success.

What is a LibGuide?

MDC Learning Resources Faculty and Staff have access to a special software application that makes it easy to create web-based research guides for students. Known as LibGuides, these websites serve as portals to carefully curated information resources.

Some LibGuides facilitate access to a variety of information resources such as books, articles, videos, and websites on a particular topic. Others serve as how-to manuals for tasks such as conducting research or citing sources. A LibGuide might be associated with a particular course, or with a specific course assignment.

if you have an idea for a science-related LibGuide that can help your students succeed, please contact Kim Hughes, For LibGuides on other topics, find your discipline's library liaison, or contact a librarian at your campus.

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