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2023 Student Interdisciplinary Symposium at Hialeah Campus

This guide contains resources for students participating in the annual Student Interdisciplinary Symposium.

Student Interdisciplinary Symposium 2023


Welcome to the 2023 Student Interdisciplinary Symposium. The symposium is to be held on March 15, 2023 at 10:00 am. This is an in-person, on-campus symposium with a virtual component. Join us for the in-person portion at Hialeah Campus, room 5101. Virtual presentations can be joined by selecting the link on the agenda. After the symposium, presentation recordings will be made available on this LibGuide.

Interact with the student presenters and provide feedback on projects! Hyvor Talk is a commenting and reacting tool that allows you to engage with a community of learners. This commenting tool is available on each student's project page. Comment as a guest or signup with Hyvor Talk.

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Welcome Remarks

Dr. Georgette Perez, Hialeah Campus President

Room 5101


Session #1: Oral Presentations

Happiness in Our Country

Room 5101 (livestreamed) & virtually on Zoom

Professor Sherri Sinkoff’s SPC2608: Introduction to Public Speaking students

Dear Unforgotten, YOU ARE ENOUGH! FINALLY, Here Are Your Flowers!

Room 5101

Mychelle Bell


Session #2: Roundtable Discussion

Beyond the Ban: A Roundtable Discussion of Banned and Challenged Books

Room 5101​​

Dr. Allison Thomas Johnson’s ENC1102: Rhetoric and Academic Research students


Session #3: Poster Presentations

Room 5101

2023 Symposium

2023 symposium - March 15 from 10 am, Hialeah Campus, Room 5101


Open to all Miami Dade College students, the Student Interdisciplinary Symposium aims to promote scholarship and research, and in particular, interdisciplinary collaborations. The goal of this annual Symposium is to provide an opportunity for “future scholars” to share their explorations, discoveries, and reflections with their peers and the broader academic community.

The symposium features poster sessions, discussions sessions, and oral presentations.