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Genocide Studies, Homestead Campus

Sample Articles


de Duve, T. (2008). Art in the Face of Radical Evil. October, (125), 3-23.

Jeffrey, P. (2005). Forgetting Pol Pot. Christian Century, 122(25), 8-9.

Stansell, C. (2005). Torment and Justice in Cambodia. Dissent (00123846), 52(4), 18-22.

The revolution will not be televised. (2006). New Statesman, 135(4809), 36-38.

Y-Dang, T. (2013). Witnessing Cambodia's Disappeared. University Of Toronto Quarterly, 82(2), 150-167.

Films on Demand

Some of these nuns are widows of the Killing Fields. This temple is dedicated to the Cambodian victims of the Vietnam War and the Khmer Rouge regime. Young and old monks gather; the genocide wiped out almost an entire generation in the middle.

Books and eBooks