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Genocide Studies, Homestead Campus

Sample Articles


Banwell, S. (2014). Rape and sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a case study of gender-based violence. Journal Of Gender Studies, 23(1), 45-58.

Bruce, D. C. (1961). Betrayal In The Congo. Vital Speeches Of The Day, 27(24), 741.

Frost, B. (n.d). Leopold II of Belgium: King of Evil. Biography, 5(5), 84-115.

Mitchell, A. (1999). New light on the 'heart of darkness'. History Today, 49(12), 20-27.

Murphy, R. F. (2013). Exterminating the Elephant in "Heart of Darkness". Conradian, 38(2), 1-17.

Stanley, T. (2012). Belgium's Heart of Darkness. History Today, 62(10), 49.

Films on Demand

African masks with contorted features frighten enemies. Half the Congo's population was wiped out during Belgium King Leopold's colonization and slave labor conquest.