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Humanities Edge Undergraduate Research Symposium | Fall 2023

Demystifying Sappho by Nicole Del Rio


Sappho was one of the most influential poets of Archaic Greece. One of the first major lyrical poetess, she is considered a trailblazer for creating the Sapphic meter, discussing themes like love and sensuality, and for adding a human perspective to the patriarchal tradition of epic poetry. However, for someone who was once regarded as the “Tenth Muse”, very little is actually known about the poetess. Throughout history, the way society interprets Sappho has varied, converting her into more of a myth rather than a person. So, who was Sappho? What was her real story? With factors such as time and censorship, unfortunately the true essence of Sappho will remain lost to the ages. However, using the fragments of writing that remain, as well as artifacts and records, deeper insight into the poet can be pieced together, this paper aims to create a clearer image of her as a person rather than a legend.

Research Poster

Demystifying Sappho research poster

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