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Speech and Environmental Science Learning Community

This guide will provide research and resources to support students enrolled in EVR 1001 and SPC 2608 learning community.

Global Climate Change

Global climate change refers to the long-term alteration of Earth's average weather patterns, including temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns, due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Human activities, notably the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, have significantly increased these gases, leading to a warming planet, rising sea levels, and shifts in weather extremes. These changes have profound impacts on ecosystems, societies, and economies worldwide.


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Global Climate Change Podcasts

Sea levels are expected to rise by more than three feet before century’s end if meaningful action is not taken against climate change. The resulting flooding could impact more than 400 of California’s hazard sites, including power plants and toxic waste facilities— and expose hazardous pollutants to nearby residents. The neighbors of these sites are five times more likely to be people of color and low-income, prompting further environmental justice concerns. That’s all according to a recent statewide mapping project from UC Berkeley and UCLA environmental health professors. We’ll discuss the project’s findings and what can be done to address them.

Greenland and Antarctica combine to hold a potential 225 feet of sea level rise. How much of that will be unlocked, and over what time frame? We discuss the knowns, the unknowns, and the newest research coming out.

As global temperatures continue to rise, so do heat-related deaths. Some U.S. cities are feeling the effects of high-temperature emergencies right now, including in Phoenix, Arizona. The city created the first publicly funded office to focus on the problem caused by higher temperatures. David Hondula, director of Phoenix's Office of Heat Response and Mitigation, joins Stephanie Sy with more. PBS NewsHour is supported by -

In the latest climate change news, ancient underwater landslides could help us understand tsunami risks in the Middle East, NASA now has a ‘Vanilla’ ice drone to study the Arctic, and lake temperatures are rising. Plus, we bring you joy with this week’s What’s Up and a review of Starlight Coke!

New York Times journalist Jeff Goodell warns a new climate regime is coming: "We don't really know what we're heading into and how chaotic this can get." His new book is The Heat Will Kill You First.

Extreme weather, from floods to wildfires, is increasingly hammering ports, highways, and factories. It’s expected to get worse.

There is a complex relationship between climate change and food systems. Food supply chains – in particular food transportation – result in global greenhouse gas emissions, and these emissions are known to be a driving force underlying climate change. But it also works the other way. Joining Dr Natali Pearson on SSEAC Stories, Dr Arunima Malik discusses the wide-ranging impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on global regional food systems and supply chains, identifying potential cascading repercussions including job and income loss as well as a loss in nutrient availability and diet quality.

A lead author of the latest United Nations’ climate report says climate migration is already happening in many places.

Research Database

Use this library database to search for research articles about your topic. See below for featured articles to get started on learning more about your topic. 

Find full-text articles in: Applied Science & Technology Source, General Science Full Text, and GreenFILE.

Global Climate Change Books