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PBL Toolkit: Assessment


What makes a “Good” Assessment Question? 

In their "Assessment By Design: A Comprehensive View (May 2020)," Johnson County Community College's Office of Assessment, Evaluation and Institutional Outcomes recommends "good assessment questions" need to be:   

Formative/Process Assessment Tools and Strategies

Formative/Process Assessment Tools and Strategies

Assessment of Learning that Supports Meta-cognitive Skills – assessment tools and strategies for assessing students’ abilities to know what they know at the levels of content, skill self-identification, critique (self, peer-to-peer, and team), analysis, evaluation, and synthesis as a result of engagement in PBL project / course experiences

Formative Assessment

Formative/Process Assessment: Assessment of the Student Experience

Assessment of the Student Learning Experience – assessment tools and strategies for assessing the impact of engagement in PBL project / course experiences on students learning experiences

Self, Peer-to-Peer, and Team-Formation Tools

Self, Peer-to-Peer, and Team Dynamics Tools

Self, Peer-to-Peer, and Team Functioning Tools

Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment Tools and Strategies

Assessment of the Process - assessment tools and strategies for assessing a PBL project / course / program and / or PBL as a pedagogy from the perspectives of students, teams, instructors, as “impacts” on student learning, as “impacts” for the student learning experience, and / or as “impacts” for the community at large

Assessment of the Project

Assessment of the Pedagogy

Assessment of Course / Program and System-Level