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EPI 0002 Instructional Strategies: Home

This guide is for students in the Educators Preparation Institute.

A Handbook for Teachers

Teacher with class

Designing Lessons for the Diverse Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers

This is one of the many publications available through the Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Florida Department of Education, designed to assist school districts, state agencies which support educational programs, and parents in the provision of special programs.

Creating Culturally Responsive and Evidence-Based Lessons

Creating Culturally Responsive and Evidence-Based Lessons for Diverse Learners With Disabilities

This article outlines how teachers can develop lessons that implicitly or explicitly focus on culture and incorporate key evidence-based practices for working with challenging behavior. A lesson planning tool is provided to assist teachers in their efforts to be systematic in their incorporation of discussed practices in their instruction.

Article can be found in the Sage Journals database. 


EPI 0002 Instructional Strategies

Course Description

The student will learn to connect human developmental theories and current educational neuroscience research to the planning of instructional activities for students in P-12 settings.  The student will learn to apply varied teaching strategies, develop questions that address all levels of the cognitive domain, create lesson plans to include objectives, anticipatory set, practice, and assessment, as well as to research professional literature to hone the craft of effective teaching. (3 hour lecture)

Florida Department of Education: Educator Resources

Florida Department of EducationThe Just Read, Florida! office provides training and professional development through reading academies, coach academies, statewide and regional conferences and face-to-face professional development to learn the latest in evidence-based reading research. With the ever constant mission of training and developing teachers, the Just Read, Florida! office continues to offer professional development via webinars, online trainings, regional and district face-to-face trainings. The Florida legislature through the Research-Based Reading Instruction Allocation funds provides for reading instruction, literacy coaches and instructional supports and prioritizes K-3 reading instruction through the K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan.

Subject Guide

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Erick Dominicis -MDC
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Florida Inclusion Network

Florida Inclusion Network

The Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) collaborates with all districts, schools, and discretionary projects to provide customized services and supports ensuring all students with disabilities have the same educational, social, and future opportunities as their peers.  The Florida Inclusion Network is funded by the Florida Department of EducationBureau of Exceptional Student Education, IDEA Part B. This discretionary project is at the Florida State University's Learning Systems Institute.