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Earth Ethics Institute Resources: GSELS

Earth Ethics Institute LibGuide for resources related to EEI, GSELS, Earth Literacy, sustainability, and more!

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GSELS Resources

Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies (GSELS)

The Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies (GSELS) learning network provides inclusive educational opportunities for the Miami Dade College community to explore global citizenship, ecological sustainability, and civic engagement, through understanding planetary challenges and limits and by developing values, skills, and behaviors that promote prosperity and communities of well-being.

Earth Literacy Notebook by Mac Smith

An Invitation to Begin Creating a Civilization that Makes Sense
What do we need to know to make sense out of our lives? To make sense as individuals? As a society? As an endangered species? Exactly what is the crisis we face? What can we do to solve it?

When we can answer those questions we will achieve a new kind of literacy...a literacy that goes beyond the definition we presently use...beyond mastery of the basics we now consider a "good education." A growing number of scientists and scholars tell us that mastery of a new level of literacy is essential. Without it, we can't create a civilization that makes sense...human sense...planetary sense...cosmic sense. The new literacy we must master is "Earth Literacy."

Now That You Know: A Journey Toward Earth Literacy (book) by McGregor (Mac) Smith, Jr.

  • For students and mentors, for the old and the young, this deeply personal journey of exploring and living in a new cosmology can open the future to hope, excitement, and a renewed opportunity for dreams.

GSELS Projects Showcase

GSELS Projects Showcase

The Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies (GSELS) Projects Showcase at Kendall Campus is an event organized and hosted by MDC's Earth Ethics Institute each semester. Students in GSELS-designated classes present and share their research projects, artwork, designs, models, and performance pieces, all focusing on an array of sustainability and Earth Literacy topics.

Visit the LibGuides listed below to view students' projects from past semesters.