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Fall 2021 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase

Global Sustainability & Earth Literacy Studies related student projects


    Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies, Earth Ethics Institute                           MDC Dade College Kendall Campus       


                       Sustainable Development Goals                                                Changemaking at Miami Dade College  



It is not an exaggeration to say that we are currently in the midst of a global crisis. Environmental degradation is rampant, species planet-wide are facing extinction, and climate change presents threats we are only beginning to understand.  As our students enter the public sphere, it is imperative that they be able to face the challenges ahead. 

The Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies (GSELS) Learning Network provides inclusive educational opportunities for the Miami Dade College community to explore global citizenship, ecological sustainability, and civic engagement, through understanding planetary challenges and limits and by developing values, skills, and behaviors that promote prosperity and communities of well-being. 

GSELS acknowledges the interconnections and interdependence of the personal, social, economic, cultural, environmental, and political aspects of our world. Collaboratively, students, faculty, administrators, and staff explore the significance of human activity within an evolving Universe and Earth. Through shared leadership, this nurturing learning community facilitates the emergence of awareness, knowledge, skills and solutions necessary to create sustainable systems that support a healthy and just economy, society, culture and environment, while fostering values of Earth ethics, social justice, cultural diversity, and civic engagement.

Hundreds of GSELS-designated classes across the disciplines are offered at MDC each semester. Students who successfully complete at least 12 credits in GSELS-designated classes and complete a GSELS Civic Engagement Project may qualify for recognition as a GSELS Scholar.

To learn more about GSELS and to find out how you can participate, please visit:  

GSELS Projects Showcase

GSELS Projects Showcase

The Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies (GSELS) Projects Showcase at Kendall Campus is an event organized and hosted by MDC's Earth Ethics Institute each fall and spring semester. During this event, students in GSELS-designated classes present and share their research projects, artwork, designs and models, and performance pieces, focused on an array of sustainability and Earth Literacy-related topics. 

Additionally, for each project, students highlight one or more of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) that their project addresses. Baddressing the many global challenges that we face, the UNSDGs provide a blueprint for achieving a more sustainable future for all, and they serve as a call to action.

During the Fall 2020 semester, we transitioned this typically face-to-face, on-campus event to an online platform. Like the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 showcases, the Fall 2021 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase is being hosted through this Library Guide (LibGuide) by Kendall Campus Learning Resources. 

We invite you to join us in learning more about sustainability and Earth Literacy-related topics from students in GSELS-designated classes, as they share their projects through this online platform. Projects included in the Fall 2021 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase will be available for online viewing beginning on November 15, 2021.

For more information about the Fall 2021 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase, or to learn more about GSELS, please contact: Earth Ethics Institute Kendall Campus Program Professional Netiva Kolitz at