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Professor Zaidi, Homestead Campus

Assignment 3 

Argumentative Essay (roughly 750 words)

In this assignment, you will write a five-paragraph argumentative essay based on one of the three topics provided below. Pay attention when developing your arguments and counterarguments.

Please note that each topic comes with an article that you need to read beforehand. Somewhere in your essay, you need to cite the accompanying article at least once; if you wish, you can also cite other articles, but this one is a must. The article assigned to the topic should not be analyzed as a primary source but should only serve as supporting evidence either for one of your arguments or counterarguments. The accompanying articles are attached to this assignment, and they also provide a direct link for the article itself. Please do not quote; instead, you should paraphrase.

Please note that you must submit this essay as a Word document, and it has to follow the proper APA format and structure. 

In addition, before writing your essay, please go over the argumentative essay template attached Here

Note: MDC prohibits any forms of plagiarism (including artificial intelligence); TurnItIn will be activated to avoid plagiarism.

Argumentative Essay Topics:

1. According to certain activists, one way of improving diversity in the workplace is through Affirmative Action measures. Yet California, a traditionally liberal state, rejected Affirmative Action on their November 2020 ballots. Why might a Democratic supermajority state reject this solution to diversity issues? Investigate the problem related to increasing diversity and opportunity to people of all races and ethnicities, and then write an argumentative essay where you propose what you consider to be the best solution, whether it is Affirmative Action or some other solution, to help solve this problem long term.

Read the article titled Beyond the pale Race in Silicon Valley 

2. In 2020, Black Lives Matter was both a hashtag and an organization; both the hashtag and the organization were particularly visible during the protests after George Floyd’s death during the summer of 2020. Some people willingly use the hashtag and support the organization. It is often stated that all lives cannot matter until Black lives matter. But

others support the idea behind the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter while eschewing any relationship with the organization itself based on accusations of political extremism. Why would this organization appear extremist to some, causing them to reject its mission? Is this just a reflection of people’s dislike of the chaos created by the Floyd protests and riots (93% of which were considered peaceful according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project at Or is it a symptom of deeper, implicit biases? Is there some legitimacy to the claims of extremism for the Black Lives Matter group? Consider a strategy to improve understanding of the Black Lives Matter movement, both including the formal organization and the idea, and the best way to decrease any potential biases against Black people. Where would you start? Write an essay argumentative defending your strategy.

Read the article titled “Lawns, softball, bourbon and privilege.” 


3. Choose an artifact that is specific to a particular culture, religion, or other group (like the hijab) and write an analysis of it. Describe the item, what it looks like, who wears or uses it, and why people of a particular group wear or use it. You may want to include a personal story of your own encounters with this artifact or images of it in your analysis, if appropriate. Investigate different ways that people interpret and react to this artifact, as well as ways that views on this artifact may have evolved in recent times. Write an argumentative essay where you argue about people’s different views of this artifact. 

Read the article titled “Veil of Ignorance.”

Follow an APA format. Write a five-paragraph essay. At least, include three to four citations from the Miami Dade College library database to support your major points. Once you upload a file (a Word document) from your computer, make sure that you scroll down and hit the submit key. Remember, the essay will be submitted in Safe Assign, so be careful when you insert citations. Last but not least, remember to include References on a separate page.


Argumentative Essay Criteria: 75 Points

· Introduction: 15 Point

· Two supporting Paragraphs: 16 (8 points for each paragraph)

· Counter-Argument along with Rebuttal: 14 Points

· Conclusion: 10 points

· Grammar and Mechanics: 5 Points

· Seeing a tutor (Document or witness): 5 Points

· APA format: 10 Points

Total 75 Points

Note: See a tutor before submitting the final draft is mandatory.

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